Marc-Antoine Fehr

Point de fuite, 2015
Author: Jean-Paul Felley, Olivier Kaeser, Valerie da Costa

Editor: Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris

Publisher: Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris.

Softcover, 21 x 27 cm (softcover), 215 pages, English / French
Reference monograph dedicated to Marc-Antoine Fehr's paintings whose strangeness recall the absurd universes of Beckett and Kafka.
This publication is divided in three sections: the first is an interview of biographical interest, richly illustrated with a selection of works covering the painter's career; the second part is devoted to the paintings exhibited in their large majority at CCS (La Fontaine, 2011-2015, Le Baiser, 2013, Ruth, 2013, Les Continents, 2014, Le Livreur, 2014, Le Fémur, 2014, Le Miroir, 2014, Le Peintre et ses modèles, 2015) including preparatory works—sketchbooks, sketches, drawings, gouaches, objects; the last section overviews Vagabondages, a series of a hundred small format paintings (24 x 30 cm) started in 2006 and dedicated to rejected subjets, a true think tank in which the artist draws his ideas.
Published following the eponymous exhibition at CCS, Paris from April 17 to July 12, 2015.
Marc-Antoine Fehr (born 1953 in Zurich, lives in Burgundy) is an atypical Swiss painter. His landscapes, still-life paintings and genre scenes are characterized by severe and intense atmospheres. His works were displayed on solo shows at Helmhaus, Zurich in 2011 and Écuries de Saint-Hugues, Cluny in 2014.