Valérie Favre

Prix Meret Oppenheim 2024

We are proud to share with you the following news
and would like to warmly congratulate Valérie Favre 
for the Swiss Grand Award for Art
Prix Meret Oppenheim 2024

The Federal Office of Culture (FOC) is awarding the Prix Meret Oppenheim to outstanding Swiss artists and cultural creators for the 24th time since it was founded in 2001. This year the laureates are art historian Jacqueline Burckhardt, architect duo Marianne Burkhalter and Christian Sumi, and artist Valérie Favre!


Together with the winners of the Swiss Art Awards, the prizewinners will be honored on June 10, 2024 in Basel. We are also excited to announce Valérie Favre's upcoming exhibition in our gallery at Rämistrasse in Zurich, opening on August 31, 2024.

February 2, 2024
of 15