Javier Téllez

Honoree of CARA, New York
Galerie Peterkilchmann is pleased that 

Javier Téllez

is an honoree of CARA,
Center for Art, Research and Alliances, New York

 CARA's first year supporting artists and expanding discourse


Javier Téllez


is a New York based artist born in Venezuela. His work reflects a sustained interest in bringing peripheral communities and invisible situations to the fore of contemporary art addressing disabilities and mental illness as marginalizing conditions. Tellez’s projects have often involved working in collaboration with people diagnosed with mental illness to produce film installations that question the notions of the normal and the pathological



About CARA, New York


The Center for Art, Research and Alliances (CARA) is an arts nonprofit, research center, and publisher that aims to expand public discourses and historical records to reflect art’s abundant pasts, presents, and futures. Through initiatives including publishing, exhibitions, public programs, and fellowships, CARA seeks to challenge dominant narratives and amplify the breadth of arts and culture.


 For more information here

November 14, 2023
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