
 There is an immediacy and a fragility inherent to drawing. Another important component is time. It's a medium in which you can show the whole process: the drawing mirrors the process of creating it. There are traces of eraser, or fingerprints. Some parts remain undefined. To draw is to remember. Something emerges that is shaped by your unconscious, your mood, your experience.

Galerie Peter Kilchmann was pleased to present The Default Brain, a new solo exhibition by Swiss artist Marc Bauer (*1975 in Geneva; lives and works in Berlin and Zurich). The Default Brain was presented at our headquarters on Zahnradstrasse; it is Bauer's third solo exhibition at the gallery. The presentation span all three rooms of the gallery and reflected the wide range of Bauer's artistic repertoire in a new, extensive series of works. In addition to monumental wall drawings, new drawings and paintings were on view in both large and small formats. A sound installation featuring a composition by composer Thomas Kuratli/ Pyrit  connected the rooms as a soundscape, creating an immersive experience in combination with the visual works.
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