
Political and economic slogans have probably become the most direct way of expressing opinions or transmitting messages to the masses. One hundred and forty-nine slogans from the last hundred years, from 1911 to 2011, are presented here, in an archive in progress. From a neutral standpoint, putting them all on the same level gives rise to a reality distinguished by a sense of absurdity.

The quantity and the content of slogans from a certain period speak of the social temperature of that moment. In times of political turmoil there are more political slogans than in periods of relative calm. By contrast, in politically stable periods slogans tend to take on an economic cast. Some even lose their political connotations in favor of economic ones.
Exploring this field of communication allows to mirror events and fluctuations in society over the last hundred years. Noticeable shifts include: from the left to the right; from the political to the economic; from enthusiasm / idealism to resignation and back, as pinpointed, for example, by events in the world today. The mass that speaks or is spoken to today might be different from, or even radically opposed to, the mass that speaks or is spoken to tomorrow. Is change the only stable factor in history?
Taking these slogans and shifts as the starting point, a number of elements have been used to set them in motion.
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