Melanie Smith: Six Steps Towards AbstractionGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse (Löwenbräu), Zurich
Peter Kilchmann is pleased to open the 2002/03 gallery season with an exhibition featuring artist Melanie Smith. This will be the second one person show in our gallery of this UK born (1965) and in Mexico living artist.
Peter Kilchmann is pleased to open the 2002/03 gallery season with an exhibition featuring artist Melanie Smith. This will be the second one person show in our gallery of this UK born (1965) and in Mexico living artist. Smith will present in the gallery her new work „Six steps towards abstraction“ 2001-02. It consists of a double video projection and of six paintings (each acrilic enamel on board, each 120 x 140 cm). The projection juxtaposes six short films of ca. 3 minutes each. They show everyday, repetitious chors (e.g. a window gets sprayed with white lack paint; patients sit in a waiting room; somebody is cleaning up a crammed full storage; a vendor explains to a costumer an object; a woman is working out on a running belt in a gym), which lose themselves out of monotony from their context and start to get an own dynanism. This leds to almost abstract films (of moving disco-lights; of the lights of driving cars at night; of soap
August 24 - October 12, 2002
Melanie SmithSix Steps Towards Abstraction, 2001Series of 6 paintings and 6 collagesAcrylic on enamel on board, each 100 x 120 cm
Collage, mixed media, each 65 x 81 cm -
Melanie SmithSix Steps towards Abstraction, 20012 channel video projection, each 17 min., color, soundprojection surface (allover) 120 x 180 cmEd. 1/5 + 1 AP + 1 EP