Willie Doherty: Three Potential EndingsGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse, Zurich
Three Potential Endings is the title of the forth coming solo exhibition of Willie Doherty (born 1959 and currently living in Derry, Northern Ireland) and at the same time the name of his new film, which will be shown on the occasion of his exhibition for the first time. This will be the artist’s sixth exhibition in our gallery.
January 17 - February 21, 2009
Willie DohertyThree Potential Endings, 2009HD Video projection (Blu-ray)
Color, sound, duration: 11 min.Ed.1/3Eamonn 0'Mahony -
Willie DohertyBuried, 2009HD Video projection (Blu-ray)
Color, sound, 7:59 min.Ed. 1/3 (+ 1 AP) -
Willie DohertyBuried, 2009Ink jet print on paperimage 35 x 60 cm (13.8 x 23.6 in.)Ed. 10/50