
Galerie Peter Kilchmann is pleased to present Everything I do has an underlying political question - a new group exhibition with works by Gerald Lovell, Simon Martin and Kenrick McFarlane. On display are paintings in large, medium and small format in oil on canvas, newly created for the exhibition spaces of our dependance on Rämistrasse.

Everything I do has an underlying political question - the title of the exhibition is both a statement and a question: does everything have to be interpreted politically? The three young positions in the exhibition answer this question through their art with a clear no and create a poetic space free of identities, stereotypes and instrumentalisation. The subjects and colours in their works give pleasure, simply by means of their captivating aesthetics and their playful narratives, which from time to time were inspired autobiographically. In a time in which not only the creation of art, but all our areas of life, our actions, our decisions, are ascribed a political intention, the three come along with their paintings like a breeze of fresh air. Not following a fixed canon, they show us that it is okay to retreat once in a while, to withdraw and devote oneself to the familiar, close environment.
Installation Views
Installation view, Everything I do has an underlying political question, Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Rämistrasse, Zurich, Switzerland, 2022