João Modé: Para o Silêncio das Plantas

Cavalariças do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


"For the silence of the plants" is an exhibition of a reflective and participatory character, which presents a conversation between the city of Rio de Janeiro, nature and Parque Lage.

For this exhibition, João Modé presents a work that occupies from the entrance gate of Parque Lage, crossing the Stables space, and extending into the forest. By means of a large 'Extensor', formed by two ropes attached to two palm trees - located at the park's entrance - the public is invited to travel along the entire path that leads to the Stables. Visitors can then enter the space and exit through a wooden platform into the forest.
In the forest, paths built above ground level allow access to several points, where speakers of varying power will be installed. Music and sounds will be played, interspersed with moments of silence. In the repertoire, classical and popular music, recordings of Kaiapós Indian rituals, Umbanda points (for the orixá Oxossi, who protects the forests), electronic music, recordings of literary texts, animal sounds, among others.
The interior of the Stables functions, in this exhibition, as a meditation space, representing an intersection between the street and the forest. Drawings, photographs, and a notebook with a list of the songs of each day will be documented, in addition to musical instruments for those who want to play for the plants.
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