Teresa Margolles is a visual artist who examines the social causes and consequences of death, destruction, displacement, discrimination and misery. While she is widely known for her group of works that focus on the social and economic conditions caused by drug traffic and the invloved acts of crime, in the last four years the focus of her artistic practice involves border conflicts, immigration and extreme inequality in society.
Important solo exhibitions have been presented in the following institutions: Es Baluard, Palma de Mallorca (2020); Kunsthalle Krems, Krems; BPS22, Charleroi; Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, Santiago de Chile; Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá (all 2019); Witte de With, Rotterdam; Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, Milan, (both 2018); Musée d'art contemporain, Montreal (2017); Neuberger Museum, New York (2015); Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich (2014); Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel (2010) and Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt (2004).
Margolles has participated in numerous group exhibitions and biennials, including the 60th, 58th and 53rd Biennale di Venezia (main exhibition 2024 and 2019, solo presentation Mexican Pavilion (2009), the 22nd Sydney Biennale (2020) and Manifesta 11, Zurich (2016).
Blowback / The Power, 2022
Aproximacion al Lugar de los Hechos (Approximation to the Scenes of the Facts), 2020
Estorbo (Obstruction) II, 2019
Trocheras con petral ("Trocheras" with breast collar), 2019
Tela en el desierto (Fabric in the desert), 2018
Mujeres venezolanas en la frontera con Colombia (Venezuelan women on the border with Colombia), 2018
La entrega (The delivery), 2017-2019
Cubos Blancos (White Cubes), 2016-2017
Espejos de la barra del club "RUV" (Mirrors from the counter of the club "RUV"), 2016
Mundos (Worlds), 2016
Piso del club "Lago Blanco" (Floor from the club "Lago Blanco"), 2016
Pista de baile del nightclub "Irma's" (Dance floor of the nightclub "Irma's"), 2016
Pesquisas (Inquiries), 2016
Pista de baile del bar "Tlaquepaque" (Dance floor of the bar "Tlaquepaque"), 2016
El agua de la ciudad, Dallas, 2016
Plancha (Hotplate), 2014
Boee Chocami (Black Path), 2014
40 kilómetros (40 kilometers), 2014
Nkijak b’ey Pa jun utz laj K’aslemal (Opening Paths to Social Justice), 2012 - 2015
PM 2010, 2012
Esta finca no será demolida (This property will not be demolished), 2011-2013
Esta finca no será demolida (This property will not be demolished), 2011
Esta finca no será demolida (This property will not be demolished), 2011
Muro Ciudad Juárez (Wall of Ciudad Juarez), 2010
Frontera (Border), 2010
51 cuerpos (51 Bodies), 2010
Los Herederos IX (The Heirs IX) [20-11-2008, El Batallón, Sinaloa, Mexico], 2009
Pintura de Sangre I (Blood Painting I), 2008
Herida Proyecto Ecatepec (Documentation) [Wound Ecatepec Project (Documentation)], 2007
Recados Póstumos (Cine Estudiante) [Posthumous Notes (Cinema Estudiante)], 2006
Vestidos (Clothes), 2006
Baño (Bath), 2004
Punta (3) [Sharp Point (3)], 2004
En el aire, In the Air, 2003/ 2011
Papeles (Papers), 2003
Papeles de la morgue (Papers of the Morgue), 2003
Papeles de la morgue (Papers of the Morgue), 2003
Trepanaciones (Sonidos de la morgue) [Trepanations (Sounds of the morgue)], 2003
Periferia de la agonía (Periphery of agony), 2003
Autorretratos (Self-Portraits) [No 3], March 1998, 1998
Catafalco (Catafalque), 1997
Teresa Margolles
Installation at Fourth Plinth, Trafalgar Square, London, UK 18 Sep 2024For the 2024 edition at Fourth Plinth, Margolles is showing an ephemeral installation titled Mil Veces un Istante (A Thousand Times in an Instant) . This piece features plaster cast...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
60th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners EverywhereVenice, Italy
20 Apr - 24 Nov 2024Teresa Margolles (Culiacán, Mexico, 1963. Lives in Mexico City and Madrid, Spain) works with the presence of death in and beyond Mexico. Part of a yearslong research project on labour...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
Unravel: The Power and Politics of Textiles in ArtBarbican, London
13 Feb - 26 May 2024Using textiles, fibre and thread, 50 international artists challenged power structures and reimagined the world in this major group exhibition. Textiles cover and protect us, engage our senses, trigger our...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
Everything Gets LighterFundacion Jumex, Mexico City, Mexico
18 Nov 2023 - 11 Feb 2024 -
Teresa Margolles
7 Deadly Sins. Current PerspectivesKunsthalle Krems, Krems, Germany
14 Oct 2023 - 1 Apr 2024In 2005, the British cultural radio station Radio 4 asked its listeners to come up a list of what they considered to be the worst sins. To many people’s surprise,...Read more -
Group Show
The Other Side of the Mirror is HomeGalerie Peter Kilchmann
Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
1 Sep - 11 Oct 2023With works by Vlassis Caniaris, Willie Doherty, Beatriz González, Leiko Ikemura, Teresa Margolles, Dagoberto Rodríguez, Adrian Paci, Shirana Shahbazi in collaboration with Anne Morgenstern, Didier William and Artur Zmijewski.Read more -
30 Years Anniversary Exhibition
Galerie Peter Kilchmann
Rämistrasse, Zurich
3 Sep - 14 Oct 202230 Years Anniversary Exhibition Rita Ackermann (*1968 Budapest), Francis Alÿs (*1959 Antwerpen), Maja Bajevic (*1967 Sarajevo), Hernan Bas (*1978 Miami), Armin Boehm (*1972 Aachen), Marc Bauer (*1975 Genf), Monica Bonvicini...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
EstorboGalerie Peter Kilchmann
Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
10 Jun - 29 Jul 2022Central themes from her body of work, such as violence, poverty and discrimination, are traced back to fundamental origins - using a local conflict that can stand representative of global...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
Periferia dell’agoniaMattatoio, Rome, Italy
24 Feb - 19 May 2022From this standpoint, the Mexican artist brings into the context of art the space of death, a metaphor par excellence of the border, of a limit that is paradoxically reached...Read more -
Step out of your body, enter new ones - An exhibition on community and spirituality
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zurich 30 Apr - 5 Jun 2021Igshann Adams / Christine & Irene Hohenbüchler / Corita Kent / João Modé / Teresa Margolles / Sabine Schlatter / Buhlebezwe Siwani Curated by Raphael GygaxRead more -
Teresa Margolles
The StoneEs Baluard, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
18 Sep 2020 - 28 Mar 2021Teresa Margolles (Culiacán, Sinaloa, 1963) spent a long period in Cúcuta, a city on the border between Venezuela and Colombia. It is a territory that has turned into a symbol...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
En la HeridaKunsthalle Krems, Krems, Austria
11 Nov 2019 - 2 Feb 2020The exhibition at the Kunsthalle Krems focuses on a recent topical aspect of her work: the nearly hopeless situation of transgender prostitutes in Ciudad Juárez, the city with the highest...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
La carne muerta nunca se abrigaMuseo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, Santiago de Chile, Chile
31 Aug 2019 - 2 Feb 2020In this project, Margolles investigates for the first time the local context and the effect of an economic model, considered one of the most unequal in the world, on the...Read more -
58th Venice Biennale
May You Live in Interesting TimesVenice Biennale, Venice, Italy
11 May - 24 Nov 2019Congratulations to Teresa Margolles on receiving special mention for her work in the 58th Venice Biennale, May You Live in Interesting Times, curated by Ralph Rugoff. The Jury of the 58th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, comprising Stephanie Rosenthal (President of the Jury, Germany), Defne Ayas (Turkey/Netherlands), Cristiana Collu (Italy), Sunjung Kim (Korea), and Hamza Walker (USA) recognized Margolles for her sharp and poignant works that deal with the plight of women grossly affected by the narcotics trade in her native Mexico.Read more -
Teresa Margolles
EstorboMuseo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia
21 Mar - 26 May 2019Margolles will exhibit the results of some of her fieldwork she made on the Simón Bolívar bridge, one of the geographical points that connect Colombia and Venezuela, questioning the physical...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
Ya Basta hijos de putaPAC Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy
28 Mar - 10 Jun 2018Promoted by the Municipality of Milan - Culture and produced by PAC with Silvana Editoriale, the exhibition is part of the calendar of Art Week, the Milanese week dedicated to...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
Pista de BaileGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
2 Sep - 29 Oct 2016Teresa Margolles has focused her artistic practice in the last decade on the Mexican city of Ciudad Juárez, one of the most important towns along the country‘s Northern border. The...Read more -
Die Nase des Michelangelo
Special location: Marktgasse 4 - 6, Zurich, Switzerland 10 - 19 Dec 2010Rita Ackermann / Francis Alÿs / Maja Bajević / Michael Bauer / Christoph Büchel / Valentin Carron / Urs Fischer / Peter Fischli & David Weiss / Bruno Jakob /...Read more -
53rd Venice Biennale
What else could we talk about?Mexican Pavilion, Venice, Italy
7 Jun - 22 Nov 2009The installation consisted of a set of seven pieces that subtly intervened the space. However, in symbolic terms, it was impossible to be unnoticed since the objective was to make...Read more -
Deux Pièces
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse 270, Zürich 7 Jun - 24 Jul 2009Mario Comensoli / Trudi Demut / Karl Geiser / Emma Kunz / Adolf Wölfli / Rita Ackermann / Francis Alÿs / Michael Bauer / Raffi Kalenderian / Zilla Leutenegger /...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
Los Herederos - Die ErbenGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse, Zurich
17 Jan - 21 Feb 2009„Violence, homicide and death are the focus of Teresa Margolles’ artistic and political discourse. She forges an aesthetics that is related to death on the one hand and to the...Read more -
15 Jahre Galerie Peter Kilchmann 1992 - 2007
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse, Zurich 30 Aug - 11 Oct 2008Rita Ackermann / Francis Alÿs / Maja Bajević / Michael Bauer / Willie Doherty / Bruno Jakob / Jochen Kuhn / Zilla Leutenegger / Jorge Macchi, Teresa Margolles / Fabian...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
Ciudad JuárezGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse, Zurich
13 Jun - 30 Jul 2005This city is not only known as the Capital of the Maquiladoras1, but it achieved tragic fame due to an unsolved series of murders of young women. Since 1993, more...Read more -
Teresa Margolles
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse (Löwenbräu), Zurich
22 Mar - 10 May 2003Teresa Margolles deals in her work with the dark sides of the Megalopolis Mexico City and with Latine America in general. She makes her subject matter the worthlessness of human...Read more
Teresa Margolles’ Work Ranked Among the Best 10 of the 21st Century by ARTnews and Art in America
March 5, 2025ARTnews has recognized Teresa Margolles' profound impact on contemporary art by ranking her work eighth in their '100 Best Artworks of the 21st Century' list....Read more -
Teresa Margolles installation „Mil Veces un Instante“ („A Thousand Times in an Instant“) is on view at Fourth Plinth.
Currently on view at Fourth Plinth, Trafalgar Square, London, UK September 18, 2024We congratulate Teresa Margolles (b. 1963, in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico) for her installation „Mil Veces un Instante“ („A Thousand Times in an Instant“) on Trafalgar...Read more
Teresa Margolles
En La Herida, 2020 Texts by Florian Steininger, Oscar Gardea Duarte, Maria Chiara WangKunsthalle Krems
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Teresa Margolles
Ya Basta Hijo De Puta, 2018 Texts by Diego Sileo, Oscar Gardea Duarte / a.k.a. Rufián / a.k.a. Tâm Liêu Âm, Michy Marxuach, Ángel Moya Garcia, Gilbert Vicario, Mario Canal, Ferran Barenblit, Eugenio Viola, Francesca Guerisoli, Raphael Gygax, Antoine Henry Jonquères, Emanuela Borzac Read more -
Teresa Margolles
Mundos, 2017 Text by John Zeppetelli, Jean-Philippe Uzel, Thérèse St-Gelais, Lulu Morales MendozaMusée d'art contemporain de Montréal
, 2017 Read more -
Teresa Margolles
We Have A Thread In Common, 2015 Edited by Patrice GiassonNeuberger Museum of Art, State University of New York
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Teresa Margolles
El Testigo, 2014 Texts by Ferran Barenblit, Óscar Gardea Duarte, Juan A. Gaitán, María Inés Rodríguez & Eyal WeizmanCentro de Arte Dos de Mayo, CA2M, Mostoles
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Teresa Margolles
La Promesa, 2012 Author: María Inés RodríguezUNAM, MUAC, Mexico
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Teresa Margolles
Frontera, 2011 Text by Alpha Escobedo, Leobardo Alvarado, Rein Wolfs, Letizia RagagliaEdited by Rein Wolfs, Letizia Ragaglia
Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, Museoin, Bozen
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Teresa Margolles
What Else Could We Talk About?, 2009 Texts by Cuauhtémoc Medina, Taiyana PimentelMexican Pavilion. 53 International Art Exhibition. La Biennale di Venezia
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Teresa Margolles
127 Cuerpos, 2006 Text by: Hans-Georg Lohe, Patrizia Dander, Heriberto YépezKunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf
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Teresa Margolles
Muerte Sin Fin, 2004 Texts by Klaus Görner, Udo KittelmannMMK Frankfurt am Main
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