Bruno Jakob creates paintings that immediately engage the viewers. Based on the premise that pictures do not need to be visible in order to be real, Jakob has developed a body of work that radically questions our cultural faith in visual evidence.
Since the 1970s Bruno Jakob has investigated the invisible, the temporary and the mutable through the medium of painting. The specificity of his work lies in making use of atmospheric phenomena, natural processes and ephemeral “materials” such as energy, light, thought and brainwaves. The titles are assigned a narrative role, describing the painting process, with references to figures and techniques that describe the observed object.
In particular, his on-going series invisible paintings, challenges the true nature of appearance and announce the existence of images beyond the visible: water, brushed onto sheets of paper or other painting surfaces, leaves a trail prior to evaporating into the atmosphere. While Jakob’s works look like monochromes, they spring from a transfer of images or signs onto the surface. Painting thus becomes a performative act, even prior to being a process of transcription. Further, his painting performance are sometimes open to the public and accompanied by Hans Witschi at the piano.
Bruno Jakob's works have been exhibited internationally since 1988, particularly in his chosen hometown of New York. Works by the artist have been shown in countless solo and group exhibitions (including performative works - often performed with the Swiss artist and musician Hans Witschi), including Museum Tinguely, Basel, Switzerland (2022/2015), Helvetia Foyer, Basel, Switzerland (2020), Deutsches Haus, New York (2019), Kunsthaus Zofingen, Switzerland (2017), Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz, Switzerland (2016), Kunsthaus Glarus, Switzerland (2015), Kunstmuseum Luzern, Switzerland (2012), Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich, Switzerland (2011) and MoMA New York (2010). In 2014, Bruno Jakob was awarded the Ricola Collection Prize, Laufen, Switzerland. In 2011, Bruno Jakob was invited to show two installations at the 54th Venice Biennale in the Arsenale and in the main pavilion (curated by Bice Curiger). Works by the artist can be found in the collection of the Aargauer Kunsthaus, Switzerland, the Ricola Collection, Switzerland, the collection of the Kunsthaus Lichtenstein or the Art Collection of the Swiss Confederation, to name a few.
Again and Again and Again Pump the Cyperspace/Cyberpresence Daily Movements, 2024
Again and Again and Again Pump the Cyperspace/Cyberpresence Daily Movements, 2024
Again and Again and Again Pump the Cyperspace/Cyberpresence Daily Movements Artificial Tension, 2024
Invisible Paintings Performances, 2024
Again and Again and Again Pump the Cyperspace/Cyberpresence , 2024
Again and Again and Again Pump the Cyperspace/Cyberpresence Daily Movements, 2023/2024
Nowhere but Somewhere, 2014
Again and Again and Again Pump the Cyberspace/Cyberpresence Daily Movements 2013 + Aarburg, 2013 + 2024
The VisitorsSomewhere Now. Sky Cells. Flood of Thought. Untouchables., 2013
Unusual Things Happen (It's all There), 2012
Weisses Lächeln. 54. Biennale Venice (Invisible Painting), 2011
Breath, time suspended, forever interrupted (Weisses Lächeln), 2011
Weisses Lächeln
Over a period of time. Months. Energy and brainwaves still continuing. Visible and invisible. Thoughts of painted images. Thousands free and bloodied. Color as well as black and white. Silently captured and released. Surrounded in elegance, 2010 -
The Visitors / Tongue
(Invisible Painting), 2008 -
The Visitors / Exalted, 2008
Untitled (Horse)Invisible Painting / Brain, 2003
Philosophy Escaped (Invisible Painting)Contributed to the Air / Zur Luft beigetragen, 1999
Philosophy Escaped (Invisible Painting)Inaccessible Movement / Unnahbare Bewegung, 1999
Philosophy Escaped (Invisible Painting)Senseless (Still Collecting) / Sinnlos (Noch immer sammelnd), 1999
Philosophy Escaped (Invisible Painting)Navel Juice / Nabelsaft, 1999
Unseen (Portraits, Somebodies)(Invisible Drawing), 1998
Brain America: Race to the ImageSmoky Mountains (Invisible Painting), 1996
Happy Nothing: Still Collecting, 1990/98
Again and Again and Again Daily Movements Painted Desert , 1986/2024
Bruno Jakob
The High Yellow NoteFondation Vincent van Gogh, Arles, France
4 Oct 2024 - 9 Feb 2025The “high yellow note” that Vincent van Gogh and so many artists have sought explores the limits of expressiveness and attempts to go beyond them, formally and emotionally. A thematic...Read more -
Backstage Engelberg
Backstage EngelbergEngelberg (OW), Switzerland
23 Jun - 18 Aug 2024BACKSTAGE Engelberg A journey of discovery with 50 artists June 23 to August 18, 2024, Engelberg/OW The 'BACKSTAGE Engelberg' is an exhibition in predominantly hidden locations in the Alpine municipality...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Again and Again and AgainGalerie Peter Kilchmann
Rämistrasse, Zurich
26 Apr - 1 Jun 2024Bruno Jakob Again and Again and Again April 26 – June 1, 2024 Opening: Thursday, April 25, 6-8pm Rämistrasse 33, Zurich Galerie Peter Kilchmann is pleased to announce the solo...Read more -
30 Years Anniversary Exhibition
Galerie Peter Kilchmann
Rämistrasse, Zurich
3 Sep - 14 Oct 202230 Years Anniversary Exhibition Rita Ackermann (*1968 Budapest), Francis Alÿs (*1959 Antwerpen), Maja Bajevic (*1967 Sarajevo), Hernan Bas (*1978 Miami), Armin Boehm (*1972 Aachen), Marc Bauer (*1975 Genf), Monica Bonvicini...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Davor. Darin. DanachAargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland
15 May - 7 Aug 2022Die Sammlung – das Fundament des Aargauer Kunsthauses – wächst dynamisch und vereint heute über 20 000 Werke der Schweizer Kunst vom 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart. Namhafte Schenkungen...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Nothing is lost. Art and Matter in TransformationGAMeC, Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo, Italy 15 Oct 2021 - 13 Feb 2022The show is the second chapter in the Trilogy of Matter , a long-term exhibition project begun in October 2018 with the exhibition Black Hole. Art and Materiality from Informal...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Im Streiflicht oder: die Lust der MalereiPalazzo, Liestal, Switzerland 15 Sep - 28 Oct 2019Mit Albrecht Schnider, Anne Loch, Bruno Jakob, Christian Lindow, Christian Vetter, Christine Streuli, Christoph Gugger, Dominik Stauch, Heinz Egger, Kotscha Reist, Lisa Hoever, Renée Levi, Uwe Wittwer, Vivian Suter, Viktor...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Double TakeLast Tango, Zürich, Switzerland 24 Aug - 3 Nov 2018Chérif & Silvie Defraoui / Manon Wertenbroek Jason Dodge / Bruno Jakob Per Kirkeby / Katja Schenker Vittorio Santoro / Simon Starling Gregory Hari / Samson Young Michael Etzensperger /...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Cruising Salts, Birsfeld, Switzerland 10 Sep - 22 Nov 2016An exhibition exploring the figure of the Wanderer (digital, social, political & sexual). Breath, time suspended, forever interrupted (Weisses Lächeln) (2011) is part of Burno Jakob’s ongoing series of “Invisible...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Bruno JakobKunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz, Switzerland 31 Aug - 6 Nov 2016Bruno Jakob ist einem breiten Publikum vor allem durch seine Teilnahme an der Biennale in Venedig 2011 sowie durch zahlreiche Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen im In- und Ausland bekannt. Seine Handschrift...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
White NoiseKunsthaus Glarus, Glarus, Switzerland
17 May - 16 Aug 2015In einer Zeit, in der rund um die Uhr auf allen Kanälen gesendet wird, ist die Sendepause zur Ausnahme geworden. Die Zwischenräume zwischen den Sendekanälen, wo das Rauschen einst den...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Hovering and PulsingGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
23 Apr - 30 May 2015The exhibition title Hovering and Pulsing refers to Jakob’s new work, a photographic documentation from 2014. It depicts a performance of the artist on the remains of the burnt down...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Bruno Jakob. The VisitorsKolumba, Cologne, Germany
15 Jan - 5 May 2014Dass der Prozess fortschreitender Reduktion nicht zwingend Beschränkung, sondern im Gegenteil Öffnung und Entgrenzung bedeuten kann, zeigt exemplarisch das Werk des 1954 in der Schweiz geborenen und seit den 1980er...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Unusual Things HappenGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
2 Mar - 14 Apr 2012Now Bruno Jakob presents a fascinating continuation of his installation Breath (2010-2011), as well as the new three-dimensional and free hanging artwork Breath, Time Suspended, Forever Interrupted (Weisses Lächeln) (2011)...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
IlluminationsBiennale di Venezia #54, Venice, Italy
7 Jun - 27 Nov 2011 -
Die Nase des Michelangelo
Special location: Marktgasse 4 - 6, Zurich, Switzerland 10 - 19 Dec 2010Rita Ackermann / Francis Alÿs / Maja Bajević / Michael Bauer / Christoph Büchel / Valentin Carron / Urs Fischer / Peter Fischli & David Weiss / Bruno Jakob /...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Boden und Wand, Wand und Fenster, ZeitHelmhaus, Zürich, Switzerland
6 Feb - 29 Mar 2009with Polly Apfelbaum, Katharina Grosse, Bruno Jakob, Adrian Schiess, Christine Streuli, Niele Toroni, Duane Zaloudek Surfaces comprise space and time. Surfaces can hang, lie or stand – in all sorts...Read more -
15 Jahre Galerie Peter Kilchmann 1992 - 2007
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse, Zurich 30 Aug - 11 Oct 2008Rita Ackermann / Francis Alÿs / Maja Bajević / Michael Bauer / Willie Doherty / Bruno Jakob / Jochen Kuhn / Zilla Leutenegger / Jorge Macchi, Teresa Margolles / Fabian...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Christine Streuli – Bruno JakobKunsthaus Langenthal, Langenthal, Schweiz
6 Sep - 11 Nov 2007Christine Streuli wird mit ihrem diesjährigem Auftritt an der Biennale Venedig in der Schweiz, aber auch international viel Aufmerksamkeit gewinnen. Bruno Jakob lebt seit den achtziger Jahren in New York,...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
My PaintingsGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Zürich, Switzerland
21 Jan - 4 Apr 2006Bruno Jakob paints invisible pictures with water on paper and canvases. For the production of his pictures, he uses differently marked containers/cups with water, brushes in different sizes and strengths...Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Philosophy Escaped (Invisible Painting)Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse (Löwenbräu), Zurich
6 Mar - 1 May 1999 -
Rita Ackermann, Doug Aitken, Stefan Altenburger, Monika Baer, John Coplans, Jonathan Hammer, Felix Stephan Huber, ...
Portrait-human figureGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse (Löwenbräu), Zurich
28 Mar - 9 May 1998 -
Stefan Altenburger, Nan Goldin, Felix Stephan Huber, Fabrice Hybert, Bruno Jakob, Claudia & Julia Müller, Paul Winstanle
LongingGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse (Löwenbräu), Zurich
18 Jan - 15 Mar 1997 -
Stefan Altenburger, Martino Coppes, Martina Eberle, Claudia Di Gallo, Roland Herzog, Beat Huber, Bruno Jakob, John Linde
Private WeltenGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Hardturmstrasse, Zurich
4 Nov - 23 Dec 1995 -
Bruno Jakob, Eva Schlegel, Cécile Wick
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Hardturmstrasse, Zurich 4 Jun - 16 Jul 1994
Bruno Jakob
Kunsthaus Baselland, 2016 Text: Ines Goldbach, Patricia Hug, Bruno Jakob, Georg RutishauserEdition: Edition Fink
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Bruno Jakob
The Visitors, 2014 Read more -
Bruno Jakob
THE TOUCH (Forbidden Pictures), 2013 2013 Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Kunsthaus Langenthal, 2007 Read more -
Bruno Jakob
Invisible Paintings and Drawings, 1991 Read more