Christoph Hänsli is known for painting frequently overlooked everyday objects on a 1:1 scale. Since 1992, he is giving objects such as beer glasses, medicine packets, nails, paper scraps or discarded machines a new purpose on canvas and putting them thereby in the spotlight.
Hänsli paints objects in order to be able to see them properly, in particular to make them tangible for himself. Crucial in his artistic work is the artist’s special approach to humour: Hänsli's humour is a serious one, which is hidden, approaching the portrayed object carefully and respectfully, revealing life’s absurdities. Thus, the artist encourages the viewer to discard old patterns of perception and to approach things that one would otherwise not have considered ''image-worthy'' with unexpected curiosity. The artist is often more interested in painting traces, imprints of things or beings rather than showing them directly. In this way, he depicts by not depicting, thus creating a play between the mere presence and absence.
Christoph Hänsli was born in 1963 in Zürich, Switzerland. In 1988, Hänsli graduated from Lucerne School of Art and Design. Since 1989, his works have been exhibited throughout Switzerland and Germany. Galerie Peter Kilchmann has shown a series of works by the artist on occasion of the group exhibition "Four Positions in Painting" in 2022. His solo exhibition’’Die Konferenz der Dinge’’ was on view at the Villa Renata in Basel, Switzerland in 2020. In 2016, the artist had a solo exhibition in the Grand Palais, Berne, Switzerland entitled ‘’Nasse Hunde bleiben draussen’’. Hänsli had several solo exhibitions at the Galerie Judin, Berlin, Germany (2022, 2018, 2014, 2012) and in the Galerie Bob Gysin, Zurich, Switzerland (2015, 2011, 2009, 2007). Hänsli participated in group exhibitions at the following institutions (selection): Zürcher Kantonalbank, Collection presentation (2023); Kunsthaus Zürich (2022); Kunst(Zeug)Haus, Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland (2021 & 2016) and Helmhaus, Zurich (1991). In 1990-1991 and 1992, Hänsli was awarded the Grant of Canton Zurich. Between 1992 and 1994, the artist studied Cinematography and History of Photography at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Triptychon, 2023
Tiefenmesser, 2023
Krippe, 2023
Rundgang, 2023
Bratwurst, 2022
Eiserne Lunge, 2022
Feuchtpräparat Aneurysma arteriae coronariae, 2022
Klappe, 2022
Elektroabdeckung, 2022
Rote Klappe, 2022
Grosser Unterschied, 2022
Fleurs, 2022
Pommes, 2022
Herbarium, Lauch, 2021
Beste Grüsse (ewiger Schnee), 2020
Gruppentreffpunkt, 2020
Nasspräparat Raphanus sativus (Rettich, 1980), 2020
Nasspräparat Brassica chinensis (Pak Choi, 1962), 2020
Nasspräparat Cucurbita maxima (Riesenkürbis, 1951), 2020
Nasspräparat Allium (Lauch, 1987), 2020
Monde perdu (#6), 2019-2020
Stützpunkt Nord, 2019
Abfluss, 2019
Musterhaus, 2018-2020
Die Festung 5, 2017
Stützpunkt, 2017
Vermisst, 2014-2015
Ü-2 9440, 2012
Abschrankung, 2005
Christoph Hänsli
StützpunktGalerie Peter Kilchmann
Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
12 Jan - 9 Mar 2024Christoph Hänsli Stützpunkt Jan. 12 - March 09 Opening: Thursday, January 11, 6 - 8 pm Zahnradstrasse 21, Zurich Galerie Peter Kilchmann is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition...Read more -
Christoph Hänsli
Four Positions in PaintingGalerie Peter KilchmannRämistrasse Zürich 14 Jan - 12 Mar 2022Galerie Peter Kilchmann is pleased to present the group exhibition Four Positions in Painting with Christoph Hänsli (*1963 in Zurich, where he lives and works). In his figurative painting, Christoph...Read more -
Christoph Hänsli
Die Konferenz der DingeVilla Renata, Basel 24 Oct - 12 Dec 2020Die Konferenz der Dinge Villa Renata, 24.10. - 12.12. 2020 Christoph Hänsli, ausgewählte Werke von 1994-2020 Kuratierung: Franziska Stern, Christoph Hänsli Hänsli's work is a collection of fundamentally banal utensils...Read more -
Christoph Hänsli
Grand PalaisBern 4 - 18 Mar 2016Im Grand Palais zeigt Christoph Hänsli eine Installation, die sich mit Alltagsgesprächen auseinandersetzt. Auf den Wänden wird ein Blog zum Thema “Tragen von Hausschuhen für Gäste” ausgebreitet. Die Meinungsäusserungen kondensieren...Read more