From the early start of her career the focus of her artistic repertoire is the repeated discourse of space, the person in relation to space and the relation between space and light: drawings grow out of the plain and merge with sculptures and video projections into three-dimensional installations.
Zilla's works have been exhibited internationally since 1996. Past solo exhibitions were presented at Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen (2022); Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur (2021); Musée Jenisch, Vevey (2016); Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich (2015); Centro de Arte Caja Burgos CAB, Burgos, Spain (2014) and Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf, (2014), among others. Major group exhibitions include: International Drawing Biennial, National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina (2022); Drawing Biennial, Drawing Room, London (2021); "Fly me to the Moon", Kunsthaus Zürich and Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, Austria (2019); "The World on Paper", Palais Populaire der Deutschen Bank, Berlin (2018); "Interval in Space", Osage Art Foundation, Hong Kong (2017) and Sydney Biennale (2014). Works by Zilla can be found in numerous public collections, such as Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau; Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur; Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago de Compostela; Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos, Burgos; Kunsthaus, Zurich; Kunstmuseum Basel, Museion Museo d'arte moderna e contemporanea, Bolzano; Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf; Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen and Goetz Collection, Munich, to name but a few. From 2014 to 2021, Zilla Leutenegger was a lecturer at the Architecture Department of ETH Zurich. Since 2022 she has been a guest lecturer at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). In autumn 2022, she was awarded as "Honorary Companion ZHdK".
Bad klein, 2025
Endless Pool, 2024
Coconut cat, 2024
Spitzbergen, 2023
Willy, 2023
Kira, 2023
Alice, 2023
Die Lesende (Round the world), 2022
Die Lesende (Cut) [The Reader (Cut)], 2022
16. März 2022 (Saharastaub), 2022
Moby Dick, 2022
Moony, 2022
Papa bear chair, 2021
19. Mai 2021 (Redlight Corona), 2021
20. Dez. 2021 (Viva Italia), 2021
Katze, sitzend hoch (Cat, sitting high), 2020
Bagno verde, 2020
Lampenkopf, 2020
Katze, frontal stehende, 2020
Schwarze Küche, 2019
Wilder Mohn, 2019
Hallenbad, 2019
As time goes by, 2018
Lampe, 2015
Rondo, 2008
Lucellino, 2006
Zilla Leutenegger
Our HouseMuseum Giersch der Goethe-Universität
Frankfurt, Germany
25 Oct 2024 - 16 Feb 2025OUR HOUSE: Our house is the Giersch Museum building at Goethe University, a villa with a history. Built in 1910 as a residential building, later home to the Spanish Chamber...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
On a visit to myselfLucerne Festival
Foyer KKL, Lucerne, Switzerland
16 Aug - 15 Sep 2024The Summer Festival, held from August 13 to September 15, 2024, featured 131 events centered on the theme of 'Curiosity.' The program included performances by 24 symphony and chamber orchestras,...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Rien de lourdGalerie Peter Kilchmann
11-13 rue des Arquebusiers, Paris
13 Jul - 5 Oct 2024Zilla Leutenegger Rien de lourd July 13 - Oct 5, 2024 11-13, rue des Arquebusiers, Paris Galerie Peter Kilchmann is pleased to present the first solo exhibition of the Swiss...Read more -
Backstage Engelberg
Backstage EngelbergEngelberg (OW), Switzerland
23 Jun - 18 Aug 2024BACKSTAGE Engelberg A journey of discovery with 50 artists June 23 to August 18, 2024, Engelberg/OW The 'BACKSTAGE Engelberg' is an exhibition in predominantly hidden locations in the Alpine municipality...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
NZZGalerie Peter Kilchmann
Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
14 - 15 Oct 2023On Saturday, October 14, Zurich's leading newspaper, the NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung) will be transformed into a work of art. Zilla Leutenegger is designing the upcoming issue, in which several...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Not My Circus, Not My Monkey (Group show)Kunstmuseum Thun, Thun, Switzerland
16 Sep - 3 Dec 2023The first circus was founded in London towards the end of the eighteenth century, and over the following century this form of entertainment would go on to become a mass...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
The Spiral Stair to planta1Planta 1, Madrid, Spain
16 Sep - 28 Oct 2023The project refers to planta1’s first space in Madrid, located on the first floor of an industrial warehouse building, which the organisation continues to maintain, although it is now located...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
I Love You to the Moon and BackGalerie Peter Kilchmann
Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
21 Jan - 18 Mar 2023I Love You to the Moon and Back describes a journey of emotion and, in Zilla's case, is also an ode to the beauty of the everyday that we all...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
DOPPIO IVMuseum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
3 Sep - 30 Oct 2022Sandra Boeschenstein's artistic practice inspires with its combination of technical skill and conceptual complexity. Zilla Leutenegger fascinates with a medially versatile work full of playful lightness and fine humor. DOPPIO...Read more -
30 Years Anniversary Exhibition
Galerie Peter Kilchmann
Rämistrasse, Zurich
3 Sep - 14 Oct 202230 Years Anniversary Exhibition Rita Ackermann (*1968 Budapest), Francis Alÿs (*1959 Antwerpen), Maja Bajevic (*1967 Sarajevo), Hernan Bas (*1978 Miami), Armin Boehm (*1972 Aachen), Marc Bauer (*1975 Genf), Monica Bonvicini...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland
1 May - 1 Aug 2021The exhibition is set up as a large continuum and can be experienced as a whole: As a tour through interior and exterior spaces with various insights and views. It...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
MezzaninGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Rämistrasse, Zurich
16 Jan - 27 Mar 2021Zilla makes use of the new spatial situation with a carefully curated selection of works inspired by the special floor plan and the domestic old building character of the new...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Casa BlancaGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
27 Oct - 15 Dec 2018In the past two years, this repertoire has been increasingly extended by the monotype as a medium, through whose technique the colour surface in its intensity and combination possibility becomes...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Lights OutGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
7 Apr - 27 May 2017Galerie Peter Kilchmann is pleased to present a new series of monotypes by Swiss artist Zilla Leutenegger in our project space. Zilla Leutenegger was born in 1968 in Switzerland and...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Musée Jenisch, Vevey, Switzerland 2 Sep - 10 Oct 2016The Zurich artist thus continues her reflection on interior space, play and drawing. As usual, she plays with reality in the manner of a tightrope walker who would walk on...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Ring My BellPinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
26 Jun - 4 Oct 2015The cycle Apartment, which passed to the Free State of Bavaria with the generous donation of the Goetz Media Collection, is now being presented for the first time in its...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
MoondiverGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
16 Jan - 28 Feb 2015These constellations are being reconciled playfully and with the utmost ease by the artist. Leutenegger depicts random moments of unexcited everyday situations in a poetic way full of atmosphere. Of...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Rock the ChairGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zurich
2 Sep - 29 Oct 2011There is a table and a chair. There is also a person, not really sitting on the chair, but rather leaning back on the rear edge as far as possible....Read more -
Die Nase des Michelangelo
Special location: Marktgasse 4 - 6, Zurich, Switzerland 10 - 19 Dec 2010Rita Ackermann / Francis Alÿs / Maja Bajević / Michael Bauer / Christoph Büchel / Valentin Carron / Urs Fischer / Peter Fischli & David Weiss / Bruno Jakob /...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Off The WallGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse, Zurich
16 Jan - 6 Mar 2010When comparing the two artists, we have a woman called Zilla Leutenegger, born in 1968 in Switzerland, who lives in Zurich and Jochen Kuhn, born in 1954 in Germany, currently...Read more -
Deux Pièces
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse 270, Zürich 7 Jun - 24 Jul 2009Mario Comensoli / Trudi Demut / Karl Geiser / Emma Kunz / Adolf Wölfli / Rita Ackermann / Francis Alÿs / Michael Bauer / Raffi Kalenderian / Zilla Leutenegger /...Read more -
15 Jahre Galerie Peter Kilchmann 1992 - 2007
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse, Zurich 30 Aug - 11 Oct 2008Rita Ackermann / Francis Alÿs / Maja Bajević / Michael Bauer / Willie Doherty / Bruno Jakob / Jochen Kuhn / Zilla Leutenegger / Jorge Macchi, Teresa Margolles / Fabian...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Meet me in the Library (9 P.M.)CCA Center for Contemporary Art, Tel-Aviv, Israël
8 Sep - 31 Oct 2007The classical drawing medium acquires new movement qualities in Leutenegger’s works. Via what she terms “video drawings,” she challenges the boundaries of the projected figure, which transpires within a delimited...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Prada, Torch & AnderesGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse, Zurich
26 Aug - 7 Oct 2006Apart from her two-dimensional drawings, moving images are an integral element of her video drawings and digitally manipulated animations, which are frequently combined with three-dimensional objects or mural painting. Since...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
How Can We Loose When We're so SincereGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse, Zurich
20 Mar - 8 May 2004The installation ‚Ming‘ takes over the large space with a back projection on a mirrored pane of glass which leans on an electricity pylon. On the video you see a...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
It'll End in TearsGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse (Löwenbräu), Zurich
18 Jan - 23 Mar 2002Die Arbeiten von Zilla Leutenegger sind - wie sie selber sagt - „wie Fenster, die sie manchmal öffnet, um andere in ihre romantische Welt hineinschauen zu lassen“ oder „pour avoir...Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse (Löwenbräu), Zurich
26 Aug - 30 Sep 2000 -
Zilla Leutenegger
Zierp, ZierpGalerie Peter Kilchmann, Limmatstrasse (Löwenbräu), Zurich
10 Oct - 14 Nov 1998
Zilla Leutenegger
ZILLAGORILLA, 2021 Texts by Elisabeth Bronfen, Patrick Frey, Max Küng, Stephan Kunz, Juri SteinerBündner Kunstmuseum Chur
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Zilla Leutenegger
Pianos & Melonen, 2019 Texts by Marina Porobic, Kathleen BühlerFondation l'Abbatiale de Bellelay
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Zilla Leutenegger
Tintarella di Luna, 2016 Author: Stephan KunzSupported by: SUPPORTED BY Swisslos, Kulturförderung Kanton Graubünden Graubündner Kantonalbank, BEWE Stiftung Kulturförderung, Stadt Chur
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Zilla Leutenegger
Z, 2015 Texts by Bernhard Maaz, Clemens Krümmel, Inka Graeve IngelmannPinakothek der Moderne, München
, 2015 Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Fairlady Z, 2013 Text by Anna Wesle, Michele RobecchiMuseum Morsbroich, Leverkusen & Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf
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Zilla Leutenegger
Zilla und das 7. Zimmer, 2008 Edited by: Christoph KellerText by: Dorothee Messmer
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Zilla Leutenegger
Wichtiger Besuch, 2006 Editor: Saarlandmuseum Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
2004 Claudia Spinelli, Manor Art Award, Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur Read more -
Zilla Leutenegger
Welcome in my Dress, 2001 Texts by Christoph Doswald, Hans-Rudolf Reust, Antje Weitzel Read more